Children's and children's feng shui layout conducive to children's study

Feng Shui believes that the northwest position of the house symbolizes authority and heavyness. It is the position of the head of the household and should be reserved for adults to make a bedroom. If the child is allowed to sleep there for a long time, although he can make considerable progress in some aspects, it will also make the child become precocious and lose the inherent innocence of the child, which is not conducive to his learning and growth.

Shengkai Bailin Furniture

Boys and girls should be treated separately

The child is called the morning sun at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning, and the room that receives the earliest sunlight energy at dawn is the ideal children's room. Therefore, the children's room is preferred to be located in the eastern or southeastern part of the house, with the East as a shock, representing the eldest son; and the southeast as a meandering woman, representing the eldest daughter. For home boys or girls, you can choose different room locations in turn. The headboard of the children's bed is better facing east and southeast. Because the five elements of the east and southeast are of wood, they are conducive to growth and are very beneficial to the height and health of the children. However, if the child is difficult to sleep at night, the quieter western and northern regions can be selected. The bedside heading towards the south will cause children to be irritated, the Northeast will lead to carelessness of children, the southwest will lead to children’s timidity, and the northwest will lead to children’s being too precocious. It is better to be cautious because these positions are not good for children’s growth. .

1. Children's beds cannot be placed under beams.

2, if the bed facing the windows, the sun should not be too strong, sunny and easy to upset.

3. The beds cannot be on the balcony (after the expansion, the children's beds are all or part of the balconies), and the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony are not suitable.

4. The bed should not be placed on the kitchen stove top (easily suffering from skin diseases, upset and irritated), nor should it be in the toilet.

5. The bed foot is not flushing the door (foot sprains) or the toilet.

Kids desk

1, behind the desk and left and right can not be washed.

2. The desk must not be facing the toilet, nor should the bathroom be backed; the left and right doors must not be flushed with the toilet door.

3, can not be up and down the kitchen stove, toilet bathroom up and down.

4. It is best not to have high object pressure in front of the desk (the bookshelf on the desk is not Kyrgyzstan).

5, the desk can not be facing the outside lanes, roads, or water towers.

Room color

The color of the interior of the children's room also has a very important influence on the child's mentality. First of all, the color is elegant, not too dazzling red and purple, to avoid stimulating children, but also avoid using black and pure white, and use light blue as a base to adorn some The color of grass green, bright yellow and pink is better, and it can achieve a harmonious effect.

Room paintings

Children's rooms usually have paintings. Pictures have a great influence on children's growth. First of all, pictures on the walls should be based on natural and positive content. It is not advisable to hang armored warriors, celebratory pictures of heavy makeup, and not to hang statues. Because it is easy for children to become very young when they are young, their personality tends to become too precocious and unfavorable to their natural growth.

Links: The Five Elements of Feng Shui in Bath: Eight Points Needed to Avoid

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