Eleven home cleaning tips don't hurry to collect!

Most housewives have such annoyances. For example, furniture dirt is difficult to clean, or long-lasting furniture is cracked and deformed. It makes people look very uncomfortable. How do we use small techniques to give the furniture a beauty in daily life?

First, when used for a long time, rattan or bamboo products will have fouling, discoloration, and can be scrubbed with salt water, which can both decontaminate and make it flexible and resilient. Wipe it with a wet towel to keep it clean.

Second, tea is brewed on a tea table with a fireproof board. Over time, it will leave unsightly patches. At this time, you can sprinkle some water on the table, use the foil in the cigarette box to wipe it, and then scrub it with water to wash away the tea stains.

Third, the hot cup plate, etc., is placed directly on the furniture paint surface, leaving a circle of hot marks. Generally just use kerosene, alcohol, toilet water or strong tea to wipe the wet cloth, or use iodine on the hot mark gently rubbed or coated with a layer of Vaseline oil; every two days and then wipe the hot mark can be wiped eliminate.

Fourth, pyrotechnics such as pyrotechnics, soot, or unlit matches sometimes leave scars on the furniture finish. If it is only a paint burn, you can wipe the traces with a thin layer of hard cloth on the toothpick. Then apply a layer of wax and remove the scar.

Fifth, the trademark on the furniture will leave behind the adhesive residue, sticky and dirty, can be erased with a rough eraser, the effect is good, the gum on the floor can also be erased with an eraser.

Sixth, the white desk and white chair in the home are easy to get dirty. It is not easy to wipe off the dirty marks with a rag. Try to use toothpaste to squeeze on a clean rag. Just wipe it gently and the stain on the furniture will be removed. Do not use too much force, do not hurt the paint.

Seventh, if the furniture paint surface scratches, does not touch the wood, can be the same as the color of the furniture crayon or paint on the furniture surface smear, cover the exposed background color, and then thinly wipe with a layer of transparent nail polish can be.

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