Integrated ceiling purchase guide: ceiling budget

Integrated ceiling budget

Take the decoration budget seriously, understand the composition of the decoration budget, learn to read the budget statement and basic methods and principles of the budget, and avoid spending money.

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Budget items>>>

(1) The construction project and the location of the project, such as "ceiling", should indicate where the ceiling is located;

(2) The scale of the construction project. Such as ceilings, a total number of areas to hang;

(3) Materials used in construction projects, including main materials and auxiliary materials. Such as "ceiling", the main material used can be PVC plastic gussets, can also be aluminum alloy gussets, accessories are wood keel and metal hangers and other hardware;

(4) The artificial unit price and material unit price of the construction project. Such as "ceiling", PVC buckle plate ceiling price per square meter and labor costs.

Calculation method>>>

The algorithm of integrated ceiling: the length and width of the room floor. Because the floor area and the area of ​​the top surface are equal, if it is to buy materials, it is appropriate to add some loss. For example, the area of ​​the room is 4 square meters, and 4.5 squares is used when purchasing materials.

Reference data: 300mm × 300mm (buckle length and width) is 0.09m2, 300mm × 600mm is 0.18m2, in fact, you do not need to calculate the area of ​​your roof, because that is not allowed, as long as the installation workers to the ceiling, the installation is complete, According to the number of boards, if you share 86 pieces, use 86 × 0.09m2 or you are 300mm × 600mm, that is 86 × 0.18m2 is equal to how much your area.

Budget traps >>>

Budget Trap 1: Set Prices

A budget sheet contains a lot of content, but in fact this is just a budget framework, and some traps are in this framework. When the budget has not yet begun, the design company may be enthusiastic to ask how much money you plan to spend on decoration, which may be good, but it may also constitute a trap. Once the owners quote their own psychological prices, some companies will piece together the budget price, and more will use a push-back method to create a "false" budget statement to deceive the owners, rather than the actual workload Count.

Therefore, the best way to decorate the company's "setback" trap is to tell the designer his own design ideas, and then ask him to make a budget according to this request, saying: "The price I will control, I have this payment Ability." Remember not to give the end to the other party.

Budget Trap 2: Fuzzy Projects

In the budget table, a construction project is often covered by a general quotation, such as paving tiles, giving the following budget: living room floor (28 m2), icon floor, **/m2, artificial materials** / square meter. In terms of the total price, there are no obvious exceptions, but the artificial material is not clearly marked. If the material uses counterfeit or inferior products, then the owner must “lose”. Therefore, this type of project must be broken down into detailed items in the budget table.

Ceilings Integrated ceilings Ceilings Price Decorating Design rooms Aluminum alloy European style Decoration Decorating Parlors Flooring tiles Kitchens Integrated ceilings Bathroom ceilings European style Bathrooms Toilets Ceilings Bathroom tiles Bathrooms Design cubicles

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