New Insecticides Can Be Used To Control Grape Pests And Diseases

Recently, Spindle a new type of insecticide has been listed in Brazil. The insecticide is a broad-spectrum pesticide that can help local farmers in Brazil contribute to insect pests in grape growing. Dow's new products will bring better control to growers in the region.The main advantages of new products are as follows: 1, It will work quickly and will work within two hours after the product is used. 2, The interval is short and the interval is only one day. 3, The unique mode of action is the ideal choice for the pest management scheme (IPM). 4, Wide range, broad-spectrum insecticide. 5, The duration is long. 6, Highly selective in insects. In addition, in addition to the local grape diseases and pest control in Brazil, it can also prevent and control pests such as coffee.