Scientists use gelatin to make biological "ink" to print human tissues in 3D

Scientists use gelatin to make biological "ink" to print human tissues in 3D

3D printing of complete human organs is a scientist's goal for a long time. Recently, German scientists have taken a big step toward this goal. They have developed “ink” that can print human tissues in 3D. The German Fraunhofer Institute for Interface Engineering and Biotechnology issued a communique that said that after chemical treatment of gelatin, it became "ink" suitable for printing human tissues. Gelatin is a water-soluble protein extracted from collagen, which is the main component of human tissue.

Bio"inks" made of gelatin can remain liquid during printing, rather than gel. After exposure to ultraviolet light, the molecules of this biological "ink" will cross-bond to form a hydrogel. This hydrogel polymer contains a lot of moisture, just like real human tissue. When the temperature rises to 37 degrees Celsius, it can remain stable in the aqueous environment.

By controlling the chemical treatment of biological "ink", the gel can also have different strengths and swellability, making it like harder cartilage tissue or soft adipose tissue.

At present, the biggest challenge facing the medical community is to generate tissue with a vascular network. Once you have your own vascular system, 3D printed tissue can be self-sufficient in nutrition. The researchers said they hope to achieve breakthroughs in this area soon.

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