Sector stocks broadly optimistic outlook for the glass industry

Sector stocks rose up Optimistic outlook for the glass industry On the 24th, the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Stock Exchanges opened lower and higher, and the glass plate was strong. The stocks in the sector rose broadly. Only Amadorton fell by 0.33%. Among them, Luoyang Glass and Yaopi Glass were among the top gainers.

The glass industry is expected to usher in a price increase cycle. According to the latest statistics from Business Club, the latest price of glass on August 31 reached RMB 15.27/ton, rose by 9.07% in the last five days, rose by 11.87% in 10 days, and rose by 12.53% in 30 days.

Judging from the historical laws, the glass prices in China have experienced four major upswings in the past 10 years, appearing in 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010 respectively. Basically 3-4 years a cycle, the rise time in each cycle is shorter than the decline in time, 2013 is the price rise cycle.

At the same time, after the silver **, the listing of the second new glass ** this year has been in full swing. With the listing and trading of glass in China, China will become the only country in the world that has glass glass. At the recent “Glass** Promotion & Investment Strategy Report” held by Jiangsu Donghua** Company and Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, relevant experts said that glass ** is expected to be listed in November at the earliest, with a minimum investment of 4,000 yuan.

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