"Zen heart Lotus rhyme" 濯 my heart netizens 20 figure drying master accessories installation

The bathroom is on the bathroom. Why is it called Zen Lotus Rhyme? Speaking of the bathroom, one of the important functions is bathing. Bathing is usually done through the hand basin area (for washing hands, washing your face, shampooing, brushing your teeth, shaving, blowing your hair, etc.) and the shower area (daily showering and bathing).

The ancients said: "The clear water can clear up the water, and the waves of water can smash my feet." How pursuing a pure, natural nature. As people today, we don't have to worry about the ancient times. We are not bad. So today's focus is on improving the hand-wash basin area and shower area in my home.

Before you begin, take a look at the state before my hand basin area. Did you find that there are any important items missing? Yes, that is the mirror that can't see you and still thinks, and sees you still bothered.

Smic tiles

Can everyone guess what my bathroom mirror looks like? Hey, come up right now. . . With packaging map, the price is less than 200 yuan. . .

Jin Yi Tao Ceramics

Simple Style 30,000-50,000 Decoration One Room Switch Bathroom Window Paint Counter Bathroom Tile Tile Price ld Tile

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