Scientists have come up with a way to extend the life of fuel cells by 10 times

Electric cars are great, but they obviously have some drawbacks. Now they can drive more than 500 kilometers, but traditional gasoline cars can easily double. Not to mention that filling the fuel tank is much faster than charging an electric car. But what is the solution? Scientists believe that fuel cells can replace internal combustion engines in the future.

When hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, the fuel cell generates electrical energy through a chemical reaction. They allow cars to make their own electricity, which can then be stored in batteries or used only to power the engine. The only emissions from fuel cells are water vapor. And, of course, it only takes a few minutes to fill the hydrogen tank-almost the same time it takes to fill a traditional gasoline tank. However, not everything is so good.

Fuel cells are very expensive. In addition, they do not last long, which means that they need to be replaced soon. This makes fuel cell-powered cars economically infeasible. But now, scientists at the University of Waterloo have developed a new type of fuel cell with a lifespan at least 10 times longer than existing technologies. These fuel cells do not generate fluctuating current but constant power. This makes them simpler and therefore cheaper.

Scientists say that this fuel cell can replace the ICO power engine in hybrid vehicles. They even say that the cost may be comparable or even cheaper than that of gasoline engines, which will be a big step forward. This will make mass production of fuel cell-powered vehicles economically feasible. Li Xiangguo, one of the scientists behind the invention, said: "We have found ways to reduce costs and still meet durability and performance expectations. We are achieving economic goals while providing zero emissions for transportation applications."

Mass production will reduce costs and may even reach the point where fuel cell vehicles can compete with ICO or hybrid vehicles for prices. Interestingly, the researchers believe that fuel cell vehicles are also improvements to pure electric vehicles. They are easy to fill up, but electric cars can actually be more environmentally friendly. The problem is the production of hydrogen-it requires electricity. Electric cars can directly receive electricity. In fuel cells, car power produces hydrogen, which then provides power to the car-efficiency is a problem.

Moreover, hydrogen is not readily available. Infrastructure has not yet arrived. However, existing gas stations can be adjusted to hydrogen storage units. We will have to wait and see if it will develop further.

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