Impact diamonds have advantages in fields such as machining

Abstract On March 21st, the Russian Federal University of Siberia stated that Russian scholars and their counterparts from South Korea, France and Germany first studied the characteristics of impact diamonds formed by the impact of meteorites on the borders of Yakutia and Krasnoyarsk. The report said that the impact diamond is a meteorite collision...

On March 21st, the Russian Federal University of Siberia stated that Russian scholars and their counterparts from South Korea, France and Germany first studied the characteristics of impact diamonds formed at the border of Yakutia and Krasnoyarsk by the meteorite impact.

According to the report, the impact diamond is a unique crystal produced by the impact of meteorites. They were discovered more than half a century ago, but due to the complexity and heterogeneity of this mineral, information about its properties remains contradictory.

One of the researchers, Artemis Cochlin, assistant researcher at the Federal University of Siberia, pointed out that ordinary natural diamonds are formed at not less than 1000 degrees and high pressure, while impact diamonds are at higher (multiple times) temperature and pressure and Obtained at the meteorite impact point.

Cochlin explained: "We have reason to believe that because the mechanical properties of impact diamonds may be higher than those of 'normal' diamonds, their application will increase the industrial productivity associated with machining or drilling several times.

Solar water heating system is a cost-effective system for residential hot water application. This system is designed according to thermosiphon principle and operating with proportion difference between cold and hot water. The water heated by vacuum tubes is held in the stainless steel storage tank where the insulation preserves the heat.


The thermosiphon Solar Water Heater uses the sun to heat the working fluid (mostly water) in the Vacuum Tubes. The Solar Collector absorbs solar radiation, and converts the sunlight to heat and transfer it to the water. The heated water naturally rises through the solar collector into the water tank where the cooler water at the bottom of the tank is forced out and descends to the bottom of the collector (thermosiphon circulation). The circulation will be interrupted when there is no solar radiation.


Solar Water Heating System

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