JYWQ automatic mixing pump features and uses

JYWQ automatic mixing pump features: 1. When the automatic mixing sewage pump operation, the automatic mixing pool bottom sediment, thoroughly prevent the deposition of dirt, without manual cleaning; Unique impeller design, with fiber, debris chopped and torn function; 3. The use of external circulation cooling system, the sewage pump low water level operation to reduce the frequency of motor starting to extend motor life; 4. National Standard Atlas recommended products; JYWQ automatic mixing pump purposes: 1. Factories, businesses seriously polluted wastewater discharge. 2. Urban sewage treatment plants, hospitals, hotels drainage system. 3. Drainage station residential area. 4. Air defense system drainage station, water plant water supply device. 5. Municipal engineering, construction sites. 6. Exploration, mining, power plants supporting the machine. 7. Digesters in rural areas, farmland irrigation, river pond dredging.