Should pay attention to the purchase of sheet furniture

Many consumers who buy furniture think that furniture made of wood is more environmentally friendly. Is this actually the case? There are many factors that affect the environmental protection of furniture. If you don't pay attention, the murderer lurking in the furniture will sneak out and expose the environmental protection of furniture.

How should the plate furniture with the main structure of the plate be treated with harmful gas exceeding the standard? Under the same conditions, the plate with higher environmental performance must have less glue. If two pieces of the same volume are used, the environmental protection must be It is guaranteed to use the same tree species, the plate particles are larger (because the large particles also represent the larger contact surface, the glue used is also relatively less), and the lighter weight (because it is the original taste and weight of the wood itself). The relatively heavier piece is naturally formed by adding too much glue. Therefore, it is unreasonable for many consumers to judge the quality of the board by weight alone.

Newly sent furniture, what do you worry most about? Maybe many people will have the impression that the smell of new furniture is much stronger than the sample. Sometimes a new small wardrobe may make the whole room full of irritating Odor, this is the evil of VOC and formaldehyde in the paint. Because the furniture has much higher requirements on the color, water resistance, saturation, transparency and adhesion than the wall coating, the traditional furniture painting must use paint, and the chemical volatile components of the paint are more toxic and more volatile. This has become a serious carrier of excessive harmful gases in furniture. Nowadays, a well-recognized practice in the industry is to use water-based paint, which is mainly replaced by water. Water-based materials are non-toxic, while banana water is a well-known toxic chemical component; water-based materials volatilize only water, not chemical components, by which the harmful gases in the paint are resolved.

Of course, in recent years, many consumers choose to buy finished furniture in order to buy environmentally friendly products, but in fact some unscrupulous manufacturers use engineering paints for ordinary furniture in order to pursue profits, which is undoubtedly for consumers. Safety lays a huge hidden danger, so it is best to choose products with high brand credibility and high recognition when purchasing finished furniture.

The materials used are absolutely green and the paint surface used is not problematic, but why is the final indoor air test still not up to standard? In the process of completing the dream of a new home, many people will have such confusion, why can't the qualified products be? Bringing qualified air quality? Consumers should consider the amount of space, paint usage, furniture usage and fabric decoration when purchasing furniture or selecting plates. The more materials used, the unit area may be created. The greater the amount of harmful gas released in the stack, the worse the environmental friendliness of the indoor air. If a certain material is accumulated in a large area per unit area, it may cause excessive levels of harmful gases in the area, so the decoration is fully considered practical. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the amount of material used, so as to effectively control the release of harmful gases. If a large amount of materials must be used, the environmental performance of each material should be more stringent.

For upholstered furniture, many consumers only pay attention to their comfort and style when purchasing, but in fact, for soft furniture, environmental protection is still a problem that cannot be ignored, and compared with wooden furniture, fabric soft furniture and The density of human contact is greater, so health and environmental protection should be the first consideration when purchasing. Is the fabric not environmentally friendly? Of course, the fabric used in upholstered furniture contains harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene in the dyeing process. Therefore, inferior fabrics often leave a lot of harmful substances in the dye, so consumption When purchasing, look at the future to take care of it. Try to use practical and environmentally friendly fabrics. If consumers can't identify the quality of the fabric, it is best to let the seller issue relevant instructions and quality certificates.

In addition to fabrics, due to the use of benzene-containing adhesives in the use of soft furniture, and inferior sponges and fillers may also hide harmful substances, and so far, the national standards for upholstered furniture are still unclear. This also brings certain inconvenience to consumers' choices, so when buying, it is recommended that consumers go to a guaranteed store.

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