Trapped with four big traps

According to the shape of the stairs in the space, there are forms of straight ladders, folding ladders, curved ladders, and combination ladders; depending on the materials used, there are different types of wood stairs, metal ladders, and hybrids. Different stairs with different styles of decoration create a perfect effect. But do you know? The stairs also have hidden traps. How can these traps be cracked?

First, the design trap

A. The decoration style is not uniform

The stairs play a certain banner role in home improvement, and their design style must also be unified with the overall style. However, sales personnel often sell products with unequal decorative styles to consumers, which may cause irreparable regret to your home improvement.

Crack: Professional staircase company will individually design and customize the stairs for different families according to different overall decoration styles. Therefore, to purchase a staircase, you should go to a formal staircase production/sales company.

B. Technical data trap

The technical dimensions of the stairs directly affect safety and comfort. The layman's design will not take into account the old and young steps and guardrail spacing. He will not even bump his head when he goes downstairs. Exports, entrances are not in accordance with the rules, directly to the door, from the feng shui is very unlucky.

Crack: Consult several professional companies, look for high, medium, and low grades, ask for their drawings, and design instructions. These cases have commonalities and personalities and they draw good solutions from them.
