What should be paid attention to when using fungicides and microbial pesticides?

Pesticide fungicides are used more and more widely in agriculture. Biological pesticides are a high-efficiency agent that has recently emerged in agriculture. China's agricultural sector is quite optimistic about the development of these two drugs. However, when using it, we must pay special attention to prevent the mixing of these two pesticides. Because the combination of these two drugs will lose the original effect.

In addition, it should also be noted that it is a variety of compound pesticides. Before use, you need to know what the main active ingredients are. Do not blindly mix them to avoid unnecessary waste or loss. Even pesticides that can be mixed should be used with them. Do not store them for too long, otherwise the effects will be affected.

In short, before deciding to mix pesticides , be sure to read the product manual carefully to understand the nature and characteristics of various pesticides. I don't know if I can mix it. It is best to ask the technical staff for guidance before making a decision.

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