The Ministry of Environmental Protection has a special limit order to force the 100 billion industry upgrade

Abstract After March 1st, if you want to build six major polluting industries such as thermal power, steel, petrochemical, cement, nonferrous metals and chemical industries, as well as coal-fired industrial boiler projects in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions, you will face more Strict air pollutant discharge standards. And in these areas...
After March 1st, if you want to build six major heavy pollution industries such as thermal power, steel, petrochemical, cement, nonferrous metals and chemical industries, as well as coal-fired industrial boiler projects in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions, you will face more stringent Air pollutant emission standards. Existing projects in these areas will also need to comply with more stringent emission standards.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection said on the 19th that it will implement special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants in key control areas, strictly control the amount of new air pollutants, and force the upgrading of industrial structure and technological progress of enterprises to promote the improvement of atmospheric environmental quality. This will directly mobilize hundreds of billions of enterprise technology upgrades.

Special emission limit

At present, the air pollutant emission standards and special emission limits for the thermal power and steel industries have been issued, and the "Cement Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standards" (including special emission limits) have been completed for the first time. According to people from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, standards for other industries are being developed, and the time for the introduction has not yet been determined.

These key control areas include the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta region, central Liaoning, Shandong, Wuhan and its surrounding areas, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Chengyu, the west coast of the Straits, the north-central Shanxi, Shaanxi Guanzhong, Gansu, Xinjiang Urumqi urban agglomeration. Waiting for 47 cities. In these areas, from March 1st, the newly accepted thermal power and steel environmental impact assessment projects will implement special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants; coal-fired units in the thermal power industry in existing projects within the main urban areas of 47 cities from 2014 From July 1st, the special emission limit of soot will be implemented; the head of the sintering (pellet) equipment in the steel industry will implement the special emission limit of particulate matter from January 1, 2015; the discharge standard of the petrochemical industry and coal-fired industrial boiler project will be implemented. After the revision and improvement of the special emission limits, the existing emission limits for existing organic projects set according to the standards will be implemented after the expiration of the volatile organic compounds and soot.

“The special emission limits involved and the principles for the formulation of emission standards are based on the Announcement No. 17 issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration in 2007 – the announcement on the “Guidance on Strengthening the Revision and Revision of National Pollutant Emission Standards”. According to a person from the Standards Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, “the overall principle is that according to the actual situation in the country and the needs of environmental management, in some areas with particularly serious pollution, the standards will be very strict.”

The announcement by the industry as “No. 17 Document” shows that the emission standards should be based on the pollution sources established after the implementation of this standard and the existing pollution sources that existed before the implementation, and respectively propose emission control requirements to enable relevant parties to pass Emission standards understand the environmental access requirements for a certain period of time in the future, as well as the exit requirements of existing sources. For newly established pollution sources, strict emission control requirements should be set according to internationally advanced pollution control technologies; for existing pollution sources, emission control requirements should be set according to more advanced technologies, and it is stipulated that new sources of pollution should be reached or approached within a certain period of time. Control requirements. The emission control requirements proposed by the emission standards should be advanced, and can represent the development direction of the industry's advanced clean production technology and pollution control technology. The backward technologies for energy consumption, high material consumption and serious pollution cannot be used as the technical basis for standard preparation.

The published “Cement Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standards” draft for comments (preparation) and the “Guidelines for the Preparation of Air Pollutant Emission Standards for Thermal Power Plants” (Second Consultation Draft) show new emission standards and special emission limits. The value is based on dozens to hundreds of corporate sample surveys, based on analysis of the company's advanced technology and emissions, as well as analysis of international advanced technology usage and emissions, and with reference to other national standards.

Take the draft of the "Cement Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standards" issued on November 6, 2012 as an example. In response to the investigation of smoke (powder) dust, one of the main atmospheric pollutants discharged during the cement production process, the 160 valid sample data recovered from the consultation draft showed a comparison with the 2003 survey standard (the current standard). The concentration of particulate matter in the cement kiln is significantly reduced, from an average of 100.9 mg/m3 to the current average of 27.4 mg/m3, which is close to the European emission level.

“The vast majority of cement kilns (about 95%) meet the current standard of 50 mg/m3. It can be seen that with the advancement of dust removal technology, the emission standards are tightened. 60% of the cement kiln emissions are controlled at 30 mg/m3. Below, even 32% of cement kilns have reached below 20 mg/m3. Accordingly, this standard revision tightens the cement kiln particulate matter concentration from 50 mg/m3 to 30 mg/m3, reaching the European national average or The license limit level; for cement companies in key areas, further control is required to be below 20 mg/m3 (German environmental standards are very strict, the current limit is 20 mg/m3). .

"German standards are generally strict. Some standard values ​​are based on foreign countries, and some are based on the actual situation of the country. In areas with particularly serious pollution, the standards may be very strict." “The formulation of emission standards and special emission limits for petrochemical, chemical, non-ferrous, cement, and coal-fired industrial boilers in the revision process is also based on 'No. 17'.”

Promote hundreds of billions of industrial upgrading

According to the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Areas” issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on December 5, 2012, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the prevention and control of air pollution in key areas will include sulfur dioxide treatment, oil and gas recovery, and elimination of yellow-label vehicles. Eight key projects such as comprehensive dust control and capacity building have an investment demand of about 350 billion yuan.

According to the survey of the “Emission Standards for Air Pollutants in the Cement Industry” under development, the drafters of the China Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Hefei Cement Design and Research Institute show that the existing production line meets the standard transformation cost of about 17 billion yuan. In order to achieve the “12th Five-Year Plan” development plan of the “12th Five-Year Plan for Cement Industry”, the demand for cement at the end of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” is 2.2 billion tons/year, and the investment in environmental protection for new production lines nationwide is about 7 billion yuan. If calculated based on an annual output of 2 billion tons of cement, the operating cost of environmental protection facilities nationwide will reach 24 billion to 30 billion yuan.

“The stricter the standard, the more difficult the governance, the higher the operating cost of controlling the operation and environmental protection facilities, and there will definitely be some impact.” Huang Ding, director of the Energy Conservation Division of China Iron and Steel Association, said, “The current operating status of steel companies and industries Not good, so the pressure of governance is relatively large. However, when the emission standards for the steel industry were released last year, it has been mentioned that special emission limits should be implemented in key control areas, so steel companies have already made certain preparations. 'Efforts have been made in the past few years, although some indicators are more difficult, but the overall can still be achieved."

For the "Air Pollutant Emission Standards for Thermal Power Plants", which was implemented on January 1, 2012, the power industry has always considered that the standards are too high and the cost of upgrading and transformation is too large. To this end, the National Development and Reform Commission added denitrification prices and increased on-grid tariffs at the end of November 2011 to help ease the financial pressure on the power industry.

The China Petrochemical Federation and the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association all said that "it is not easy to comment on the policy that has not yet been issued."

However, the survey by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Hefei Cement Design Institute also showed that the cement industry is estimated to be achievable according to the new standards. The particulate matter emissions can be reduced by 38.5% and the nitrogen oxide emissions can be reduced by 39.3%. According to the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Areas”, by 2015, the emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and industrial smoke in the above-mentioned key areas must be reduced by 12%, 13% and 10% respectively. The average annual concentration of fine particles in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta must be reduced by 6%.

Hao Jiming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and dean of the Environmental Science and Engineering Research Institute of Tsinghua University, believes that strict control measures may have an impact on economic growth in the short term, but it will help promote the green transformation of economic development mode and promote the upgrading of pollution prevention and control in relevant industries. Industrial restructuring.

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