Fertilization method for topdressing of fruit trees

Using biogas slurry as the topping of the fruit tree "Summer Tip Fertilizer" can increase the fruit set rate of fruit trees by 5%, increase yield by about 20%, and enhance the quality and increase the sweetness by 0.5% to 1%.

Fertilization method: Apply “Summer Tip Fertilizer” (biogas slurry) in early May. The adult tree mainly protects the flower fertilizer (biogas slurry) before the flowering result, and the fruit fertilizer (biogas slurry) is applied during the young fruit period. At the drip line around the canopy, open a full-circle or half-moon ditch. The width of the ditch is 30 cm and the depth is 35 cm. If the depth of the soil is 50 cm, the biogas residue is 100-150 kg per plant. Phosphate fertilizer, the soil is slightly convex to prevent water accumulation. In the flowering and fruiting period, foliar spray fertilizer can also be used to supplement the nutrients. The flowering period is 100 kilograms of water with a clear biogas slurry of 300 kilograms (1:3), direct sprayed leaf surface (leaf back), and the fruit is inflated with good clarification. 100 kg of biogas slurry with water 100 kg (1:1), direct spray leaves, fruit noodles, 2 to 3 times a month. Foliar spray fertilizer is best selected in the evening on a sunny day. It is advisable to spray the leaves with water droplets instead of dripping water.
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