Let bullets fly Jiang Wen, Chow Yun Fat and Ge You Mansion Competition

"Let bullets fly" is the most popular movie of the end of 2010. The film is directed by Jiang Wen. The main actors include Jiang Wen, Zhou Runfa, Ge You, Liu Jialing and Chen Kun. The film was adapted from the section titled “Stealing the Officials” in the novel “The Ten Nights of the Night” by the Sichuan writer Ma Zhitu. Released on December 16, 2010, it became the earliest New Year's Eve with the audience. "Let bullets fly" at the box office for the first week of 170 million, breaking the "Tangshan Earthquake" 160 million yuan in domestic first-week box office records. Next, let's take a look at the real estate of the actors in the drama!
Jiang Wen
Even though there are too many business elements to be spilled, the style of Jiang Wen's “Let the bullets fly” is still strong: as fast as the tight rhythm of rabbits, it is often warm and affectionate. The movie is a human being. The real life of Jiang Wen is also like that - there are gentle and introverted, such as chrysanthemum; there is domineering exposure, such as a knife.

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