Placement of potted plants in the bedroom

In the house, there are potted plants, full house green and blue, and very seductive. It really can beautify the home, but also give people the feeling of full of vigor. However, all things must be done in a proper manner. The so-called extreme objection must be based on the size of the house.

Xisi Yu soft bed is not yet soft bed

From the perspective of feng shui, potted plants must not only be too small, but must also meet the needs of the five elements of the head of the household. For example, in the summer when the fire was born, the ideal room is to provide a fish tank, a fountain, and the like. As for those who lack wood, they can set pots, but they should not put too much. In addition, the potted plants to be planted have to be selected. The best is evergreen or cycads of big leaves. As for the dried branches of flowers that are popular nowadays, they are not suitable for home furnishings.

The bonsai plants must be healthy and beautiful, and there must be no wilting. The wooden line is Yang, the only living thing in the five elements that can grow and reproduce. Do not use dry flowers, it will absorb the yin, is not good in feng shui.

Zhengdongfang is a position that represents health. A home or room should pay attention to the feng shui layout of this position in order to protect the health of the family, especially the family. Since the Oriental is wood, the best way to catalyze this orientation is to place healthy green plants here. The size of the plant should be proportional to the room, and no sharp-edged plants should be used.

Potted plants in the house are suitable for evergreen plants such as evergreen and bougainvillea. Avoid planting plants that are easy to take care of, otherwise it is not only unprofitable but harmful.

Most people know that raising some green plants such as evergreen, cycad, luckyweed, and rich bamboo, etc. to "prosperously grow up," and "make money," and raise some cactus, barbed roses, keels, etc. The role.

There must be no climbing plants in the house, especially on the ceiling. This will make illness longer.

Bedroom Feng Shui Feng Shui Home Room Rich Bamboo Residence Residential Feng Shui Feng Shui Layout Home Furnishing

Disinfection efficacy testing is usually done with planktonic cells or more recently, biofilms. While disinfectants are much less effective against biofilms compared to planktonic cells, questions regarding the disinfection tolerance of detached biofilm clusters remain largely unanswered. Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were grown in chemostats and biofilm tubing reactors, with the tubing reactor serving as a source of detached biofilm clusters. Chlorine dioxide susceptibility was assessed for B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa in these three sample types as monocultures and binary cultures. Similar doses of chlorine dioxide inactivated samples of chemostat and tubing reactor effluent and no statistically significant difference between the log(10) reductions was found. This contrasts with chlorine, shown previously to be generally less effective against detached biofilm particles. Biofilms were more tolerant and required chlorine dioxide doses ten times higher than chemostat and tubing reactor effluent samples. A second species was advantageous in all sample types and resulted in lower log(10) reductions when compared to the single species cultures, suggesting a beneficial interaction of the species.

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