Three wonderful solutions to solve the kitchen decoration problem

Designers are racking their brains to do movements in the kitchen. For example, open kitchens and kitchens enhance the overall space of the space and save space. What they want to do is nothing more than “humanization,” and how to make it an independent space. The kitchen that exists has become a place full of warmth and convenience.

Renovation program 1: A font can also be opened on both sides of the kitchen

People who own slender kitchens usually design cabinets aside and aisles on the other. They often feel overcrowded. In fact, if cabinets are installed on both sides, the space is not necessarily smaller, and more effective functions can be achieved. Dividing allows you to reduce the hassle of reciprocating operations. If the kitchen door is the center line, the left side to the right side is the side dish, the cleaning and cooking area. When you are working behind a cupboard, you don't need to walk around. On the left is the storage area. This is where the rice cookers and other electrical appliances are.

1. Reduce the width of cabinets on both sides to 65 centimeters, and leave more than 70 centimeters in the centre.

2. Pay attention to your cooking habits and arrange the cooking equipment in the most convenient order.

3. It is very practical to add a cooking station between the washing area and the stove. The length should not be less than 90 cm.

4, dark wall tiles, light cabinets can create a natural sense of space depth.

Kitchen Decoration Decoration Design Space Rendering Space Microwave Oven Electric Cooker Lighting Kitchen Utensil Kitchen Open Kitchen Cabinet Doors Partition Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Wall Tiles Kitchen Doors Doors Kitchen Tiles Balcony Tiles ld Tiles

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   An aldehyde  is an organic compound containing a functional group with the structure −CHO, consisting of a carbonyl center (a carbon double-bonded to oxygen) with the carbon atom also bonded to hydrogen and to an R group which is any generic alkyl or side chain. The group-without R-is the aldehyde group, also known as the formyl group. Aldehydes are common in organic chemistry. Our main aldehyde products are  Formaldehyde  and paraformaldehyde. 

Polymeric Aldehyde

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