New housing acceptance need to pay attention to what matters?

The acceptance of the house is basically the end of the home improvement. Acceptance of the house is satisfactory. The decoration will be completed, but do not neglect because of the end. Acceptance of the house is a complicated matter. If the acceptance is not in place, it will bring a lot of trouble to the future life. Today Xiao Bian will teach you when you need to pay attention to the acceptance of new homes!

1. Roof height: Use a ruler to measure 4-5 points on the roof. If the values ​​are the same, the roof is not tilted.

2. Wall ground: Use a long ruler and so on to approach the wall surface to check if the wall is flat. At the same time, observe whether there is a scratch crack and whether the wall surface has a burst point.

3. Emptying drum: Put a few layers of paper on the special steel needle hammer (10g) to knock the wall and check the empty wall.

4, the quality of latex paint: in the surrounding light when the dark, with a high-power light bulb (200 watts) irradiation, light a light, the wall ceiling is smooth and will immediately see through the shadow of light, if not flat, to re-fill putty paint; If the local paint (repaired) will be different from the original color of the wall.

New house acceptance notice new house

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